Treatment Centers by City
- Huntington
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- Chattaroy
- Danville
- Dunbar
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- Glenville
- Hinton
- Kingwood
- Moorefield
- Moundsville
- Mullens
- Parsons
- Ripley
- South Charleston
- Spencer
- St. Marys
- Summersville
- Sutton
- Terra Alta
- Union
- Webster Springs
- Beaver
- Berkeley Springs
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- Charles Town
- Crab Orchard
- Delbarton
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- Kearneysville
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- Logan
- New Creek
- Petersburg
- Point Pleasant
- St. Albans
- Stollings
- Triadelphia
- Verdunville
- Vienna
- Welch
- Williamson
- Winfield
- Northwood Health Systems
- Northwood Health Systems
is located at 111 19th Street Wheeling, WV. 26003 and can be contacted by calling 304-234-3500. Northwood Health Systems offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Prescription Drug Abuse and Alcoholism
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay, Payment Help
- Contact Us
- College students who experience the greatest burden of alcohol-related harms and who have the greatest need for alcohol interventions may be the least likely to participate in alcohol related educational seminars which are currently available at college campuses across the United States.
- In 2009, 27.6 percent of senior high school respondents surveyed admitted to being drunk within the past 30 days.
- Alcohol is a nervous system depressant.
- Women become more impaired than men do after drinking the exact same amount of alcohol; this happens because women's bodies have less water than men's bodies. Because alcohol mixes with body water, alcohol becomes more highly concentrated in a woman's body than in a man's; a simple way to explain this is to use the example of dropping the same amount of alcohol into a much smaller pail of water.
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