Treatment Centers by City
- Huntington
- Charleston
- Martinsburg
- Fairmont
- Weirton
- Clarksburg
- Morgantown
- Parkersburg
- Wheeling
- Beckley
- New Martinsville
- Princeton
- Branchland
- Bridgeport
- Buckhannon
- Elkins
- Franklin
- Grafton
- Marlinton
- Maxwelton
- Romney
- Wayne
- Weston
- Barboursville
- Belington
- Bluefield
- Chattaroy
- Danville
- Dunbar
- Fayetteville
- Glenville
- Hinton
- Kingwood
- Moorefield
- Moundsville
- Mullens
- Parsons
- Ripley
- South Charleston
- Spencer
- St. Marys
- Summersville
- Sutton
- Terra Alta
- Union
- Webster Springs
- Beaver
- Berkeley Springs
- Burlington
- Charles Town
- Crab Orchard
- Delbarton
- Harrisville
- Kearneysville
- Lewisburg
- Logan
- New Creek
- Petersburg
- Point Pleasant
- St. Albans
- Stollings
- Triadelphia
- Verdunville
- Vienna
- Welch
- Williamson
- Winfield
- Family Connections
- Family Connections
is located at 651 Colliers Way Weirton, WV. 26062 and can be contacted by calling 304-723-3423. Family Connections offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Prescription Drug Abuse and Alcoholism
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay, Sliding-Scale Fee
- Contact Us
- The general path of alcohol, after it is consumed is by way of the mouth, stomach, small intestine, heart, brain and the liver.
- Substance abuse treatment is a much better alternative than incarceration; a high percentage of long term alcoholics may eventually have problems with law enforcement.
- Promotions such as "all-you-can-drink" specials at many bars and liquor stores around college campuses encourage binge drinking; supersizing alcohol beverage for a minimum fee is the latest gimmick.
- The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that there were 17,000 alcohol-related traffic fatalities in each of the last three years.
For more information, visit