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- Winfield
- Appalachian Regional Healthcare
- Appalachian Regional Healthcare
is located at 306 Stanaford Road Beckley, WV. 25801 and can be contacted by calling 304-255-3000. Appalachian Regional Healthcare offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Prescription Drug Abuse and Alcoholism
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Inpatient Hospital Treatment
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay
- Contact Us
- The peak Blood Alcohol Level occurs 60 to 90 minutes after ingestion when the stomach is empty.
- According to the most recently available government statistics that are related to alcohol use in the U.S., almost 50% of all traffic fatalities are alcohol related.
- In a study of more than 450 American alcoholics and 80 heroin addicts, it was found that an absent father is very common amongst those studied.
- The effects of alcohol appear within 10 minutes and peak at about 40 to 60 minutes. Alcohol stays in the bloodstream until the liver can break it down. If alcohol is consumed faster than it can be broken down by the liver, the blood alcohol concentration level rises.
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